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Get the Microsoft Entra Connect Rule Tool

Are you looking for an easy and reliable way to view, understand, and even edit rules in Microsoft Entra Connect?

Download our free Microsoft Entra Connect Rule Tool!

Isn't it frustrating that Microsoft Entra Connect’s Synchronization Rules Editor provides only a tiny window for editing, and that it doesn’t provide any syntax checking for sync rule expressions?

The students in our Microsoft Entra Connect Masterclass think so, and so do we. That’s why our technical geeks have developed a new Microsoft Entra Connect Rule Tool.

What does the Microsoft Entra Connect Rule Tool do?

Our new Rule Tool offers a much larger editing window and provides active syntax checking for Microsoft Entra ID rule expressions. This means you can more easily see what you’re doing, and avoid common mistakes.

Installation is simple, and does not have to be on your Microsoft Entra Connect server – expressions are simply copied from Microsoft Entra Connect, edited, and then pasted back again.

Important! End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

By downloading our Microsoft Entra Connect Rule Tool, you will be agreeing to the EULA, so read it first here