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SoftwareIDM’s Identity Panel Suite is a vendor-neutral identity management umbrella for companies managing identities, identity lifecycle systems, and identity platforms.

  • Identity Panel is a web application with a suite of features to test and operate a multi-system, multi-vendor identity ecosystem.
  • HyperSync Panel is a fully customizable synchronization engine to propagate identity information across systems. It's a powerful tool that can add functionality to MIM now, support migration away from MIM, or maybe replace MIM altogether.
  • Service Panel is a customizable portal for fulfilling self-service identity management requests, and approvals.
  • Access Panel is a governance application providing features such as RBAC, ABAC, Access reviews, and access management.
  • Test Panel provides automated testing for identity lifecycle and provisioning systems.

Have you seen the webinars we ran about Identity Panel Suite?

Hugh Simpson-Wells, Oxford Computer Training's Managing Director and Founder, will run free training on Identity Panel Suite this year, including on HyperSync Panel.

Please complete this form to register your interest in joining this free training.

We will contact you to let know when this training will take place. We hope you will be able to join us.